Movie ticket application for a theater in Pennsylvania
We are creating an application to help movie enthusiasts find and reserve tickets and seating for the movies playing in the theater. We need to find out if the main user flow of logging in, picking a movie, and reserving the tickets is easy for the user to complete. At the same time, we would like to see any challenges that might occur in the flow
The theater is still using the old school come and buy ticket method which is making the customers frustrated because it is hard for them to pre-check what's playing and see what seats are available this is making customers move away from coming to the theater to watch movies
create a mobile application for the theater in Pennsylvania that will make it easier for the users to look online the times available seats for certain shows and to reserve them online
My Design Process
The creative design process is the method I follow that helps me to understand test and iterate to improve the product.
Target group
From the majority of the research, I quickly understood that the group of individuals we need to target is not the sections who do not wanna save it's the individuals who like to save but do not have a clear way of helping them do it
Group 1
Millennial movie lovers who like to go to watch movies to catch the latest movies with their friends
  • Tend to go to movies mainly with their friends
  • They prefer to watch movies that are connected (like the StarWars saga or marvel movies)
  • They love watching brand new movies but would prefer to check the trailer, understand reviews and then decide to go watch them.
  • Enjoys gathering up with friends and going to see the movie
  • After watching the movie they prefer to talk about it online or offline and recommend them to other friends
Group 2
Working adults who like to go to watch movies with their families for special occasions
  • Tend to go to watch movies with their families mainly
  • Most movies they prefer are movies that are mainly family-friendly
  • Selecting movies mainly happens by looking at the main banner and sometimes the trailer and not going in-depth to check reviews and all.
  • Often feel uncomfortable staying in line with the family
Initial Wireframes
After ideating different solutions, the selected was taken and digital wireframes were created. Which was sent through a usability test in order to find any issues and iterate to make the solution better
Research plan and usability study
The application was sent through to the usability study to see what are anything was missing any functions that were too complicated or anything that might be an issue going forward. I was able to gather a good number of data and iterate on some screens to match the user needs better
All the observations gathered from the sessions were put into an affinity diagram to make it easier to understand what are the common theses that I am able to uncover so I can prioritize on understanding which sections should I be focusing more on
key insights from the usability study
Search function: Users need a search functionality in case there is a specific movie they want to find when it's coming to the theater or anything
Ticket number selection: Users need to select how many tickets they want to buy
Ticket sharing option: Users should be able to share the tickets with people if they buy multiple tickets or they bought the ticket for a friend
Ticket number selection
In the first iteration, we kept it so that the user will be selecting the number of tickets as they select the number of seats. This confused most users as they wanted to select the number of tickets beforehand.
Therefor the flow was changed to select the number of tickets and then have it as a decreasing number on the seat selection
Ticket sharing
When users buy a ticket and view it showing as just one ticket confused most users. And the additional concern of not being able to share the ticket with the friends came us in case everyone could not come together. For this, an option to share the ticket via SMS email or a link was added so anyone with the ticket can gain access (only to that number of tickets)
Register process
To recommend the movies to a user easily we decided to collect some important information like preferred movie types, favorite actors, and favorite directors on the signup page itself. The process is simply three steps and the user can easily skip it if needed
And that is me
Now that you have an idea about me why don't you tell me about yourself? if you have any feedback about my work if you would like to work together on a project, or just to have a friendly chat. Connect with me any way you prefer