A study on logo design for a cake shop
About Project
Annies Cakes is a Cake cafe, the project intends to design a new brand identity and a mobile application for the cake cafe to acquire more customers. Since annies cakes opened it has been popular in the local area but now since they are planning to expand and add a new delivery aspect to the business the need for a web or mobile app is apparent. The clientele for Annie's cakes mainly consists of females and children. Because of this, they prefer to stick to bright contrasting colors for their brands specially pinks, light blues, yellows.
Stylescape and moodeboards
Everything we do start with a specifying vision and mission. Understanding the key values of the brand. After that understanding, the story of the client is the main challenge from the logo and the branding we have to convey that amazing story to the public. After understanding the story of the client we go through the visuals suck as fonts, form, colors, pictures that match the brand. After going through the visuals we create the style scape that captures the whole brand identity at once
Logo Design and branding
Logo usage
The final logo was added into mockups to understand how the logo would look in small and large scale. The main point of a logo is to be legible and identify the brand.
And that is me
Now that you have an idea about me why don't you tell me about yourself? if you have any feedback about my work if you would like to work together on a project, or just to have a friendly chat. Connect with me any way you prefer